Monday, December 6, 2010

Baader-Meinhof Complex (Movie)

1. Write a post providing your personal response to the movie we viewed together: Baader-Meinhof Complex. 250-300 words.

I found this movie to be very good; well acted, well directed and very well written. The events portrayed in this film could have been doctored up and even viewed as positives. I am glad this video was watched in class. Up to the viewing of this film I had no idea what the "Baader-Meinhof Complex" was, an important piece of German history completely unknown to many Americans. This should be in the history books right next to the section on the Vietnam War. What I saw in this film completely terrified me. The actions the government took one step at a time leading to a government who was ruling its people should be feared. Governments should have a people's union or something to make sure the government can't violate our rights so that people like the criminals in this movie do not need to exist. In the parade scene when the officers start hitting the people because they are standing up for a cause gives critical incite to the psyche of police officers. It seems they think they are the law or are above its punishments and can do as they please. As if they can live by there own set of rules without worrying about the consequences. I didn't agree with the actions the RAF took but if I were in there shoes, I probably would have done the same. They were a people pushed to do things most of us would call horrible, but if you look at what they were trying to fight against, you probably would have helped them any way you could.

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