Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog Ratings

My criteria: How well the blog reflects the writer.

1. David Grow David.German110

  1. Overall Appearance: 30/30 (very neat and easy to navigate)
  2. Completeness: 20/20 (has all assignments)
  3. Solid Blogging: 20/20 (very well written)
  4. Pictures: 10/10 (has plenty of pictures)
  5. My Criteria: 17/20 (reflects the writer to a certain extent)
Total Score: 97/100

2. Shelby Gunderson Shelby.German110
  1. Overall Appearance: 28/30 (could use more color and is a little blocky)
  2. Completeness: 18/20 (missing the All Quiet on Western Front post)
  3. Solid Blogging: 20/20 (very well written)
  4. Pictures: 10/10 (has many pictures)
  5. My Criteria: 20/20 (reflects the writer as I know her from class)
Total Score: 96/100

3. Jenita Teachout Jen.German110
  1. Overall Appearance: 28/30 (a little white)
  2. Completeness: 20/20 (has all assignments)
  3. Solid Blogging: 20/20 (very well written)
  4. Pictures: 5/10 (not very many pictures)
  5. My Criteria: 20/20 (reflects the writer as I know her from class)
Total Score: 93/100

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