Tuesday, October 26, 2010

18th Century Literature

Timeline of Eras and Styles
This Timeline Shows Different Writing Styles and Eras Throughout the 18th Century.
Using this we can see where writers fit in and how the times effected their styles.

Information from Wikipedia.

Other work from group
Donohue, Patrick
Zhi Bie
Johnson, Steven M
Kelsey Kubiak

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gender Roles (Ideology)

"Gender role is a term used in the social sciences and humanities to denote a set of behavioral norms that accompany a given gendered status (also called a gendered identity) in a given social group or system. Gender is one component of the gender/sex system, which refers to "the set of arrangements by which a society transforms biological sexuality into products of human activity, and in which these transformed needs are satisfied" (Reiter 1975: 159). Every known society has a gender/sex system, although the components and workings of this system vary widely from society to society."

"In many ways gender identity and roles function as any other social identity and role. Every known human society presents individuals with a set of statuses by which members of the society identify themselves and one another. Such statuses may be assigned to an individual automatically, based on the status of his or her parents, or based on some physical characteristic (including ones that emerge through the aging process); such statuses are called "ascribed." Other statuses may be achieved based on the activities and accomplishments of an individual. Scientists used to believe that gender was universally ascribed; today most recognize that elements of gender can be achieved. In either case, gender, like any other role, involves socially proscribed and prescribed behaviors, which may take the form of rules or values. Such rules and values do not determine or control an individual's behaviors absolutely. Usually they define boundaries of acceptable behavior within which there is always variation and room for individual creativity. Most researchers recognize that the concrete behavior of individuals is a consequence of both socially enforced rules and values, and individual disposition, whether genetic, unconscious, or conscious, although some researchers emphasize the objective social system, and others emphasize subjective orientations and dispositions."

"Moreover, such creativity may, over time, cause the rules and values to change. Although all social scientists recognize that cultures and societies are dynamic and change, there have been extensive debates as to how, and how fast, they may change. Such debates are especially intense when they involve the gender/sex system, as people have widely differing views about the extent to which gender depends on biological sex."

The suitable roles, rights, and responsibilities of both men and women in society are based on a gender role ideology.  This perception can usually reflect these attitudes in a specific area. These areas include things such as an economic, family, legal, political, and also social domain. Most of the time, gender ideology theories are one dimensional and range from traditional, conservative, or anti-feminist; to egalitarian, liberal, or feminist. Traditional gender ideologies highlight the values of specific roles for males and females. According to a traditional gender ideology about family, males accomplish their family roles through instrumental, business-like actions and women accomplish their roles through nurturing, homemaking, and parenting actions. Liberal ideologies regarding the family, by contrast, support and signify men and women to be equal and share business-like and nurturing family roles. 

information from http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Gender_role
pictures from google images

Group-work from others in the group (the other parts of the presentation)

Kelsey Kubiak
Otte, Conner G
Bigger, Breanna

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog Ratings

My criteria: How well the blog reflects the writer.

1. David Grow David.German110

  1. Overall Appearance: 30/30 (very neat and easy to navigate)
  2. Completeness: 20/20 (has all assignments)
  3. Solid Blogging: 20/20 (very well written)
  4. Pictures: 10/10 (has plenty of pictures)
  5. My Criteria: 17/20 (reflects the writer to a certain extent)
Total Score: 97/100

2. Shelby Gunderson Shelby.German110
  1. Overall Appearance: 28/30 (could use more color and is a little blocky)
  2. Completeness: 18/20 (missing the All Quiet on Western Front post)
  3. Solid Blogging: 20/20 (very well written)
  4. Pictures: 10/10 (has many pictures)
  5. My Criteria: 20/20 (reflects the writer as I know her from class)
Total Score: 96/100

3. Jenita Teachout Jen.German110
  1. Overall Appearance: 28/30 (a little white)
  2. Completeness: 20/20 (has all assignments)
  3. Solid Blogging: 20/20 (very well written)
  4. Pictures: 5/10 (not very many pictures)
  5. My Criteria: 20/20 (reflects the writer as I know her from class)
Total Score: 93/100

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

All Quiet on the Western Front

On Monday we talked about and discussed the book All Quiet on the Western Front. The discussion went in many directions but we seemed to talk a lot about why the book sold so well and about identity. We talked about how soldiers who enlist so young haven't found themselves yet so the war defines them. And when the war is gone, they have nothing. 
We also talked about what the book was about. We came to the conclusion that the book wasn't about death as it was more about survival. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sachsen ( Saxony)

State Location: Eastern Germany, 51°1′37″N 13°21′32″E

The population is roughly 4.2 million

Size: roughly the size of New Jersey

Significance/Uniqueness: 240 museums, home to microchip, publishing,and pocelain industries.


Saxony was part of a Duchy from the early middle ages. The current state of Saxony started with Heinrich I, who was the first Saxon ruler to reign as King of Germany. He came from the Harz (northern Germany mountain range), and entered the area of today's Saxony. in 1453, the duchy became a Electorate of the Holy Roman Empire. Saxony used to be a lot bigger but after the Seven Years' War (1756-63), the Napoleonic wars, and the Austro-Persian War (1866), Saxony lost a lot of land because they always ended up allying themselves with the losing side against Prussia, who acquired almost 3/5 of Saxony territory, which led to the current size of Saxony. After WWI, Saxony became a republic. After WWII, it became part of the GDR, and on October 3, 1990, it became a free state again.

Sources :